I feel like I am finally settling into a weekly pattern. At this point, a lot of what I am doing is repetitive for both me and the kids. Part of that is because I feel like I am still trying to stay afloat. And part of that is because I need to find or create everything I use! In my building, I am the only third grade teacher. So that means, I don't have a partner who already has a ton of resources. Sure, I have peers in other buildings. But when I am gathering materials over the weekend, there is no guarantee that they will also be in their building. I also don't like feeling like I am bothering someone. If I asked peers in other buildings every week for the materials they are about to use, I would feel like a pest. I am really looking forward to summer break because I can actually sit down and look at my entire year, piece by piece and create things that I wouldn't normally be able to create.
I did have one brilliant idea a couple months ago. I scheduled our first field trip for this coming week. I needed something to break up the time and my final evaluation for this year happened in February. So now, I am in charge of my very first field trip and I am all on my own. I have four chaperones for a class of ten students, so I should be totally fine! But I have never been to this children's museum and I really don't know what to expect.
I don't think I really have a lesson here. I haven't done the field trip yet. This should be interesting!