Sunday, July 15, 2012

Goodbye Retail!

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be done working in retail. People are just so MEAN! Seriously, what did I do to you to make you treat me like crap? I asked a lady if she was doing okay (like every trained associate in a specialty retail store would) and she ignored me and turned around and walked away. Seriously? I'm not a good enough person to even look at? I know this blog is about my first year of teaching, but this is me saying "So long retail!" I promise I am done ranting after this. I just have a few things that I really want every single mean customer out there to read:

1) It is okay to have a normal conversation with a sales associate. Just because I ask how you are doing today does not mean that I am going to try and sell you something. I hate it when I ask how their day is going and they say "I don't need help." Okay, but that's not what I asked, lady. Maybe you need a good teacher (like me!) to teach you proper responses to questions.

2) If you had a good mother or father, I am sure they taught you that it is not okay to ignore people. Again, just because I say hello does not mean that I want to sell you something. When I say hello and you just ignore me, then I know that you are the type of person who thinks they are better than anyone who has to work crappy jobs to support themselves. I'm sorry, no you are not better than me because I actually have manners.

3) A smile goes a LONG way. I am just supporting myself and doing what I am told to keep my job, you don't need to be mean.

4) I am always amazed at how rude some people are when they are eating at a restaurant! Seriously, they are dealing with your food! I have worked in a restaurant and yes, I have seen a waiter spit in someone's food. It is not just a myth, people! I know working in retail I can't spit in something that someone is going to eat, but I can be really mean at the register in my own passive aggressive way. Guess what, at my job, I may be the greeter and the cashier, which means that if you are rude to me at the front of the store, I might also be the cashier and sorry, no our register isn't capable of looking up coupons. But if someone is nice to me, guess what, I have this 20% off coupon that I just happen to know the code for even though you didn't actually get the coupon in the mail. Be nice to retail people because they may want to help you out if your transaction starts climbing quickly.

Not every person is mean. I love the people who come in and start talking up a storm! I just wish people knew that just because I am nice does not mean I am getting paid on commission.

Okay, next post will be about teaching. I have had my rant about retail.


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